
Career Opportunities

Here are the positions we currently have open. Please see the options below for submitting your application.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Join the Senior Programs Department and work with Staff & Volunteers helping Seniors stay as independent as possible in their preferred space!

We are currently hiring for two positions in the Senior Programs Department:

1) Nutrition Assistant - Part Time: This position will primarily work at the Senior Centers helping to coordinate Meals on Wheels deliveries and serving Senior Lunches in a fun, warm welcoming, environment.

2) Senior Specialist - Part Time: This position will be primarily responsible for implementing our Family Caregiver Program supporting unpaid caregivers who are caring for an elder or are an older adult caring for a relative who is a minor or disabled.

Job Descriptions and Application are below. We will be accepting applications until the position is filled.

Submit your application using any of the methods below You may also submit it via applying on Indeed by selecting the button above.

Malheur Council on Aging & Community Services

842 SE 1st Ave.

PO Box 937

Ontario, OR 97914

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